Daily visit 4 hours to the bathing areas of the thermal spa “Rottal Terme” for only € 8.50 per entry!
The Chrysanti Card is bookable at a minimum stay of 7 nights. For a longer stay, for example 10 nights, a shorter Chrysanti Card with at least 7 entries successively can also be booked. Unused entries will not be payed back or payed off.
Once issued, the CC cannot be transferred, cancelled, prolonged, or altered. The entry to the thermal spa’s sauna area can be booked optionally for 5 €/daily.
The length of stay can be extended for 4 €/hour
A pledge of 10 € is required for the CC transponder. The additional payment for sauna use, prolongation of the bathing time or any other product and service are payable by the guest when leaving the Rottal Terme.
In case of misuse the CC will be confiscated immediately without refunding.